AGENDA | Day 1
Section 1
Panel Discussion
Creative approaches for business nees. Inspiration
10:05–10:20 GMT
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
Section 2
Creative approaches for business nees. Inspiration
Section 3
10:05–10:20 GMT
Panel Discussion
Creative approaches for business nees. Inspiration
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
How data art best practices tie into analytics projects and deliver tangible value.
10:20–10:45 GMT
Alex Kolokolov,
Founder of "Data2Speak" community
Kavita Behera
Kavita Behera is a product manager and the creator of #TheWeeklyChart. She is an active member of the Power BI community and an ambassador for the #dataDNA challenges. Her goal is to simplify the art of storytelling and educate everyone about charts. Aside from being an analyst, she is a proud paw parent who loves training her dog.

Data Art Storytelling